Sunday Oct. 13 
Sunday Morning:
- 10 am Service - "Prime -the-Pump"
Mark and Babe Smith, British Columbia
Sunday Evening:
- 6pm Mark Case (Paraguay)
- Dessert fellowship: Sundaes on Sunday

Tuesday Oct. 15 
9am PBCA Bible Class: The Smiths

Wednesday Oct.16 
9am PBCA Bible class: Mark Case
6:30 pm Small Groups: 
- Mixed Group (Jeff Merenes)  - Mark & Janet Case
- Men's Group (Jeff Gould) - Mark Smith
- Ladies Group (Gwen) - Audra Woods
- Youth Adults - Audra Woods
- Olympians - Mark Case
- Youth Group - Babe Smith

Thursday Oct. 17
9am PBCA Bible class: John Maynard

Friday Oct. 18
8:30 -9:00 PBCA Chapel: The Smiths
6:30pm Munchies with Missionaries:
Host Homes:
- Dave &Audrey Spencer with the Case’s
- Fiet’s with the Smiths.

Saturday Oct.  19 
International Dinner @ 5PM
Missionary Stations (Following Dinner)
- Room 12: Japan, Joel & Seiko Lovestrand
- Room 14: African, Darby Jensen & Josh Loveless
- Room 15: Ecuador, Pastor Jordan
- Room 16: Fresh Water Friends
- Room K-3 S.S.: British Columbia, Pastor Mark

Sunday Oct. 20
Sunday Morning:
- 9am Sunday School- Paul O'Bradovic
- 10am Service: John Maynard
- Adventure Time: Tati O'bradovic
Sunday Evening:
- 6pm Launch 2025/ Faith Promise: Pastor Mark
- Dessert Fellowship to follow - Bring an Apple or Pumpkin Dessert