Perth Bible Christian Academy

Providing Christian education since 1978. 

Perth Bible Christian Academy is a ministry of Perth Bible Church. We are a committed Christian facility serving grades K5 through 12. Students experience teaching that integrates education with continued development of their faith.  Our school is dedicated to educating the whole person, spiritually and academically. Academic instruction uses up-to-date curriculum that is biblically based and meets a high standard of excellence. Spiritual instruction is focused on the inspired and authoritative Word of God.  We are so blessed to be celebrating "God's Faithful" work for the past 46 years.

What Parents Say About PBCA

"I was very reluctant to send my children to PBCA. Mostly out of fear of them losing what I thought was important in public school. After their first year at PBCA I wish I had sent them a long time ago. They have grown so much in individual ways. They are more confident in themselves. Their levels of responsibility and respect have grown so much."

- Eric & Karen

"We have chosen to send our girls to PBCA because all that is taught is based off of biblical truth. From science to art God’s goodness and care for us is clearly explained. We also enjoy the sports that are offered and coached by Godly and knowledgeable individuals. We are thankful for God bringing PBCA into our lives 5 years ago."

- Joe & Kelly 

"PBCA has given us a bonus family in Christ. The love of Christ is forefront and they taught our daughter Christian values for life. PBCA has been the best choice for our daughter and we are so excited for our son to start this year."

- Colby & Kristina

"I love that my daughter is learning based upon Biblical foundation and truth. I am thankful things are not omitted to fit the world's culture and agenda. I love how much Scripture the students learn and the standard of excellence. I love the families and friends we have made at PBCA."

- Jaime

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