About 316
316 Youth & Community Center is an outreach of Perth Bible Church for teens in Amsterdam NY. We offer a free after school program for 6-12th graders as well as other events throughout the year. The purpose of this ministry is to reach teens and families from Amsterdam with the Gospel, help them grow in Christ, and get them connected with a local Bible believing church.

Bible Studies



Meet our 316 Team!
Isaiah & Rachael Strong joined the Perth Bible Church team as the Directors of the 316 Ministry in May of 2017. During the summer of 2016, the Lord pressed it on Isaiah’s heart to start a teen outreach in Amsterdam. A year later, God provided a building to use only a 1/4 mile from the middle school! This location has become an awesome platform for evangelism and discipleship, where numerous individuals have heard about Jesus. We thank God as He continues to bring more students to hear the Gospel and reach others in the community.. The team at 316 consists of many other faithful volunteers who serve at the center with Isaiah and Rachael!
Mon-Fri: 2-6
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
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Contact Us
If you have further questions concerning our 316 experience or visiting 316 with your family, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!
316 operates solely by the generous donations of people. Would you consider giving to 316 so the impact of the gospel would reach more people in the Amsterdam area?
(All donations are tax deductible)
(All donations are tax deductible)