"And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man." Luke 2:52
We are committed to the four areas of development contained within this verse: spiritual, mental, physical and social.
The foundational aim of Christian education is to lead students to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and then to challenge them to completely surrender themselves to Christ as Lord of their lives. This objective will be pursued through classroom devotions, Scripture memorization, inspirational chapels, and personal evangelism, as well as Bible classes. Students will also be taught that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that it is the pattern for their lives both now and in the future.
The Academy will encourage students to think for themselves within the framework of God’s principles and to study God’s Word and God’s world. An emphasis on academic excellence will be used to motivate students to not only master facts, but to begin applying them in everyday living. Students will be taught to work independently, as well as cooperatively.
The Academy provides a program of physical fitness, which endeavors to develop the student’s coordination, health, and competitive spirit. Older students will be encouraged to be involved in interscholastic competition which should help them develop standards of good sportsmanship and Christian character, as well as excellence in their athletic abilities.
The Academy seeks to establish in students the ideals and habits of Christ-like living in everyday situations and to apply those ideals as they develop human relationships. The result should be the development of wholesome attitudes toward their individual places in society. As students encounter difficult situations, this will help them to face life with courage and understanding. They will also be encouraged to experience a living faith in God that will be a credit to Christ, the community, and the nation. Responsible patriotism and Christian service that is in harmony with our Christian faith is encouraged and modeled before students.