
"Pray without ceasing..."  1 Thessalonians 5:17


Prayer Updates  7/23/24

Church Family & Friends

Congratulations and Blessings to Lily and Tavis Dick and new baby girl Taryn!  Born July 18, 7lbs, 3oz, 19.5 inches.  Pray for health and strength for baby and mama and for the new family to adjust well.

Jean Pry- Pray for her as she recovers from a mild stroke she had Friday evening, while staying at Sacandaga Bible Conference. She was admitted to Albany Med for a few days, then discharged. She will be doing Physical Therapy exercises at home to strengthen the leg that was most affected.  Pray for her complete healing and for her son Joe who has come from Virginia Beach to be with her.  

Tom Becker Family (Former members of PBC) Pray for them as they grieve the loss of son Matthew Becker (44) who died recently after being electrocuted while working in his R.V.  Pray especially for Matthew's wife Shanna who is expecting their 5th child.  The Memorial service was held this past weekend.  Please pray for peace and comfort for the whole family as they go through this difficult time.

Wayne Carignan- Continue to pray for healing from prostate surgery.   He is doing well and getting stronger every day but has a long recovery ahead. His catheter was removed last week.   Pray for his wife, Aurora as she cares for him and that the Lord will encourage them both.

Kelly Dutcher-   
Pray for continued healing from surgery to repair cartilage in her knee last week.  She will need to be on crutches the next 4 weeks and total recovery may take 9-12 months.

Ed Leonard- Continue to pray for healing and strength for ongoing health issues and weakness with his heart.  He tires easily and has difficulty doing household tasks. Pray for wisdom as he and his family make decisions about his future care and living arrangements.

Michele Jurcsak- Please pray for salvation for her family and especially her elderly father whose health is failing.  This has been a great burden on Michele's heart. Pray for God's comfort and peace.

Rebecca Krolikowski- Has Liver Cancer and recently underwent surgery to remove some of her liver.  Please Pray for her recovery and successful treatment of the cancer.

Mary Waite- Continue to pray for healing and physical comfort for her father who has many health issues. He is no longer at the nursing home and is being cared for at home by his elderly wife and some others.  Pray for wisdom for the Doctors and nurses caring for him and strength for the family.

Katie DeMaria- She is showing some improvement, but still struggling with her mental health. Continue to pray for wisdom and discernment in her treatment. Pray for Colleen to be encouraged and strengthened in the Lord.

Marlene Duesler - Continue to Pray for improvement with her eyesight and that her eye pressure will go down.

Beth Allen- (Brain Tumor) Recently, she has been having nose bleeds.  Please pray that these would end and not become more of a problem. Continue to pray for her vision to improve and overall health.  Pray for God's continued Grace and Peace, for her husband Garth and the family as they go through this journey with Beth.

Missionary Family

Jeff and Deanne Davoll (Ecuador)- Pray for them as they host our team from Perth coming to minister with them this week and next.  Pray for Pastor Jordan and Amber as they travel with Taylor and Jackson and lead the mission trip.  Pray for all the young people and adults going to be a blessing and testimony as they serve, and that God will strengthen their faith. Pray for safety traveling and all the details of the trip to go smoothly.

Jed and Amy Appell- (East Asia-Pacific) Pray for the Tim Cripe family, former director of the Hillcrest Academy where Jed serves.  Tim Passed away on July 14.   Pray for more staff for the academy and for Jed as he prepares for the upcoming school year.

Mark and Babe Smith  (British Columbia)- They will be traveling in the states this fall visiting supporting churches and staying at Perth for Sept and October.  A couple (Jerry & Maxine Yazzie) from a Navajo village will be taking the Smith's place in their Lillooet ministry while they are gone.  Please pray for a smooth transition, arrangements, preparations and safe travel.  Mark and Babe will be driving from B.C. the end of August.

Butlers (Central Asia)-  Pray for the new Deaf Ministry there to grow and that more people would learn sign language as a tool to reach the deaf for Christ.  Praise the Lord for the one who came to salvation recently through the deaf ministry.

Glenn and Dorothy Budd- (Peru) Pray for Dorothy recovering from surgery on July 9th in Lima, Peru.  Pray for them as they transition into part time retirement and for the sale of their home in Peru.  They will be in the States for 5 months beginning in August.  Pray for their travels.  Also pray for the sale of the airplane from their aviation ministry or that they would find another ministry to donate it to.

Dan and Ginny Bryant (Senegal, W. Africa) Pray for their summer plans to go well and for safety as they travel. Ginny is the States for 8 weeks with Tobiah and Simkha visiting family and supporting churches.  Tobiah, Simkah and Elijah will be working at a summer camp in Ohio for the summer while Ginny is staying in Maine with her parents.  Dan will join them for 2 weeks in July.  He stayed in Dakar to work and prepare for teaching classes coming up in August.  Please pray for him as he studies and that God would use this opportunity for His Glory.

Beto and Crystal Tarasiuk (Latino Ministry, PA.)  Pray for them as they consider and plan to retire in the next 1-2 yrs.  Pray for wisdom and guidance as they make decisions and for new leadership to take over their ministry.   Pray for complete healing and strength to return to Crystal's foot she had surgery on several months ago.

Joel and Rachel Shelley (WOL, Philippines) -Praise for progress on their house. Pray that construction will remain on target and that they will be able to move in by the end of June.   Pray the following for the Summer Camp Season: *Receptive hearts as the gospel message is shared!
*Wisdom for each of the counselors as they listen and share God's Word with the campers! *For the speakers communicating God's Word! *Safety for all the campers and staff! *Physical strength and good health for each of the camp crew, counselors and staff! *Favorable weather each day!  *A special week of camp for each camper - for an eternal impact in their lives!