Fill out the forms below!

Facilities Usage Form

Submitting this form does not guarantee use of PBC's facilties. We will contact you with the team's response.  Thank you!

Facilities Disclosure Agreement

Thank you for your interest in using Perth Bible Church's facilities. Please use this disclosure as your reference and guideline.

  • Priority and Scheduling: The gymnasium and other facilities are primarily reserved for Perth Bible Church’s activities and ministries. Should a conflict arise with your reserved time slot due to church events, the church’s activities will take precedence. We will notify you as soon as possible if such a conflict affects your scheduled time. Due to high demand, we are limiting each group to one time slot per week to accommodate all facility requests.
  • No Guaranteed Indefinite Use: The use of church facilities is not guaranteed indefinitely. We reserve the right to modify the schedule as necessary. Any changes to your scheduled time will be communicated to you promptly and effectively.
  • Facility Maintenance: Please respect the facilities and leave them in the same condition as you found them. Repeated instances of facilities being left in poor condition will result in immediate termination of your facility use agreement.
  • Admission Fees: Charging admission fees for any activities or events held at our facilities is prohibited. Any attempt to charge fees will result in the immediate termination of facility use.
  • Use of Church Name: The use of the names “Perth Bible Church,” “Perth Bible Christian Academy,” or “Crusaders” for unauthorized purposes is illegal and considered infringement. Unauthorized use of these names will result in immediate termination of facility use.
  • Gymnasium Availability: Due to the condition of the gym floor, the gymnasium is not available for outside use from June through August.
  • Restricted Hours: Facilities are not available for use between 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, or at any time on Wednesdays and Sundays.
  • Donations: While there is no charge for using our facilities, donations are appreciated. To contribute, please put donations in the donation box outside of the gym by the restroom or give online.
  • Liability: Perth Bible Church is not responsible or liable for any injuries that may occur during your use of the facilities. Please ensure your group has appropriate insurance coverage.
  • Child Supervision: Children must be supervised at all times while using the facilities.
  • Timeliness: Please adhere strictly to your scheduled time slot. Do not arrive earlier or stay later than your allotted time, as other groups may be using the facilities.
  • Access Issues: If you encounter any locked doors upon arrival, please contact Pastor Jordan at (518) 307-1947, Pastor Mark at (518) 866-1871, or Travis at (616) 283-5501 for assistance.

By signing below, you agree to comply with these guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Perth Bible Church Management
Contact Information:
  • Pastor Jordan: (518) 307-1947
  • Pastor Mark: (518) 866-1871
  • Travis: (616) 283-5501
  • Church Office: (518) 533-0082